Location Dublin Airport, Fingal, Ireland
Tom Phillips + Associates (TPA) provided strategic planning advice to the Applicant and Design Team and served as the Agent for the Planning Application for minor amendments to the North Runway configuration. TPA prepared and coordinated a detailed Planning and Environmental Report and subsequently prepared a First Party Appeal Response to An Bord Pleanála. Permission was granted in 2007.
TPA prepared, coordinated and lodged a detailed planning application to deliver planning permission for a Pre-Boarding Zone facility at the end of Pier 1 in Dublin Airport. The Pre-Boarding Zone facility is an area where passengers are assembled, before walking directly onto aircraft waiting at ‘contact’ stands. TPA provided strategic planning advice to the client in order to deliver the project within a short time frame. Fingal County Council Granted Permission for the works in March 2016.
Tom Phillips + Associates (TPA) provided strategic planning advice to the Applicant and Design Team and served as the Agent for the Planning Application to provide for the separation of arriving and departing passengers at Pier 2 in Dublin airport by means of an external elevated corridor. TPA prepared and coordinated a detailed Planning and Environmental Report and subsequently prepared a First Party Appeal Response to An Bord Pleanála. Fingal County Council Granted Permission in May 2016 and the segregated facility was opened in May 2017.
The Client requirement was to deliver planning permission for a Pre-Boarding Zone facility on the South Apron at Dublin Airport. The Pre-Boarding Zone facility is an area where passengers are assembled, before walking directly onto aircraft waiting at ‘contact’ stands. Passengers are bussed directly between the PBZ and the terminal buildings. The facility will free up the use of existing stands within Dublin Airport for improving overall operational efficiencies. TPA provided strategic planning advice to the Client in order to deliver the project within a short time frame. TPA prepared, coordinated and lodged a detailed planning application for the Pre-Boarding Zone facility of c. 2,200 sq m and a range of associated facilities. Fingal County Council Granted Permission in Feb 2017 and the facility was opened in Summer 2017.
Involvement 2007 – Ongoing
Client daa (Dublin Airport Authority)
North Runway Amendments Engineering Consultant AECOM
Pier 1 Architect MCA Architects
Pier 2 Engineering Consultant Pascal Watson
South Apron Pre-Boarding Zone Engineering Consultant ARUP
Photos daa (Dublin Airport Authority), McAvoy Group
Visualisations McAvoy Group